Sunday, 6 March 2011

GX show opens

Always a bit nervous before a show and always frightened this is the end, so it was with great trepidation I approached the Gallery on Friday night half an hour early. As it turned out I already had customers waiting so armed with my only glass of wine I actually had during the show I went to chat. At that stage I still hadn't seen the whole show myself, I knew what they had but the layout etc wasn't sure but I totally trusted them as they always do a good job. Well from that moment on I hardley got to move still never got to see the whole show until the very end of the night. It was so busy, never seen it so full for one of my shows and they kept coming which is great, however with so many I must say sorry to all those whom I didn't get to speak with.

Two legends and good friends Drummond and Edmund DeWal.

Davide talking with cutomers. 

Very flash I love this screen which shows different images from the show. 

A very succesful night which left me in the best position I have ever been by this stage of a show, it's not over so if you haven't been then do or I will send a drunk Galliano round to you!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I'm glad it went so well. Wish I could've been there.
