Saturday, 23 April 2011


Been painting Bluebells all week damned hard work doing these large canvases. The rewards for going out and painting on location are good but it is much harder work having to compose and restrict what you paint. You have an ever expanding view and you have to decide what you are painting and imagine this frame around it, and that is very hard. To see the colours that really is hard and something I am struggling with but know it will be worthwile in the end. I must look a complete head case with me shopping trolley, rucksack and large laundry bag.
Just to let people know I now have a facebook page so would be great to have you as a friend.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

A journey

This is a recent oil Daffs and Damson Blossom. Not sure where I going or what I am doing.
Sometimes I want to tighten up then I think it ends up looking cliche stayed not alive, then sometimes it feels to loose to abstract and formuliac if I get to wild. I guess I am trying to find a balance between what is represented and making something unique and beautiful in its own right. Think I need to go out and get wild again but maybe not arrgh such dilema. It is very hard to push forward and create rather than reproduce. 
Don't want to reproduce I want to create and you know what it is really really difficult to keep pushing forward and become all you can be.   

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

New Gallery

Exciting news a new Gallery called Jack Sevens is opening in Macclesfield, Chesire. This is going to be a very classy gallery with double height gallery space with a whole wall of glass letting in a lot of light. There will be a courtyard entrance and promises to be a really excitng space. They open in June and yours truly has been asked to open proceedings with a one person show. Will keep you all informed as more details emerge.
Opening night is planned for 17th June with a private view on the 24th June.
These are just two of the works included in the show.


Derbyshire Landscapes group show

Gallery Top in Rowsley near Matlock in Derbyshire are opening this month on the 16th with a group show of Derbyshire Landscape. They have taken 11 works all 16 x 16 so if you are in the area take a look.
This is an earlier work of Dovedale which is included in the show.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

April Showers

Hopefully we should get some rain soon because we really need some. If the natural cycle is being altered then it does beg the question is this natural or is it us. Certainly all the things that are happening were predicted by the greens etc way back, I think it makes sense one cannot keep going at this rate. We will end up with only humans and machines and Nature will become this freak show that we all stare at in wonder.
I don't think it will be the end of the world but it will be very sad to destroy the most beautiful things Life has to offer and that we think we are in control is just a dumb illusion.
Anyway I continue to paint like someone I haven't got long left. It's like some sort of sixth sense I don't think I will make it very big and I think I will be dead soon, I hope not, maybe thats something lots of people think maybe its something working class peop[le say to themselves so they don't feel so bad about not achieving and besides that's what they have been taught, that while not entirley worthless you are almost entirely worthless. Where as the better off expect to achieve and are taught as such. Still is doesn't stop me fighting but to be good for me not the World. The World can go to hell in terms of what it thinks about my Art I don't care I am not doing it for other people I am driven to become good for me.
Okay that's my rant over for now!!

This is a late afternoon view and typical of spring and it's Derbyshire! going out and painting on location again. Even done some daffodils now that's not very rock'n roll is it? Follow your heart not what you think people want ...ever! your heart your story your song it's unique and beautiful for it.