Saturday, 21 January 2012

New year 2012

As well as lots of work getting ready to send work out. AAF in March and GX will have a large stand and just four artists so hope to get my biggest ever showing at AAF London Battersea Park, I am sure they can get you tickets if you ask them.
Also getting ready to send work for a three person show at a fantastic new Gallery for me in Surrey McAlister & Thomas and have been taken on as one of their stable of artists which include David Atkins an artist whose work  I actually have on my wall and a peice hidden away as we swapped years ago. Also have to get work ready for show in Leeds Gallery with famous artist Tom Wood thats in March and will post details nearer the time. In the meantime here is some new work.


  1. And, of course, Angela - your favourite urban artist!

  2. looking good as ever, colin.
